341 research outputs found

    CAD - CAM data transfer as a part of product life cycle

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    Dostupnost i raspoloživost pravim i tačnim informacijama danas predstavlja preduslov za lansiranje uspešnog proizvoda na svetsko tržište. Svaka od tih informacija doprineće kreiranju novog i poboljšanog proizvoda u bilo kom segmentu njegovog životnog veka. Ukoliko se radi o računarski podržanoj proizvodnji onda u fazi prenosa podataka sa geometrijskog modela na model izrade prilike za grešku treba svesti na minimum. Veliki broj standarda protokola i zapisa za međusobnu softversku razmenu podataka danas samo potvrđuje kolika se pažnja poklanja ovoj oblasti. S druge strane, krajnji korisnik je uvek u prilici da traži bolja i povoljnija rešenja, sa što manje prilika za grešku, za prenos podataka u konkretnom slučaju. Time svi ulazni zahtevi projektanta bivaju ispunjeni čime proizvod dobija željenu geometriju i kvalitet. To je samo preduslov za njegovu dalju nadogradnju i implementaciju u složene tehničke sisteme da bi nakon toga prešao u narednu fazu svog životnog veka, odnosno eksploataciju i ispunjavanje zahteva krajnjeg korisnika.Availability and accessibility of proper and correct information is a precondition nowadays for launching a successful product to the world market. Every piece of information will help in creating a new and improved product at any segment of its life cycle. If it is a computer aided manufacturing then in the phase of data transfer from the geometrical model to the production model, errors should be minimized. A large number of standards protocols and scripts for the software data exchange confirm how important this area is. On the other hand, the end user is always able to look for better and more favorable solutions, with the least possibility for errors in our case, in data transfer. Thus all the input requirements of the designer are met, giving the product the desired geometry and quality. That is only a precondition for its further development and implementation in the complex technical systems, so that it would pass into the next phase of its life cycle, which is its actual service and fulfillment of end users’ requirements

    CAD - CAM data transfer as a part of product life cycle

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    Dostupnost i raspoloživost pravim i tačnim informacijama danas predstavlja preduslov za lansiranje uspešnog proizvoda na svetsko tržište. Svaka od tih informacija doprineće kreiranju novog i poboljšanog proizvoda u bilo kom segmentu njegovog životnog veka. Ukoliko se radi o računarski podržanoj proizvodnji onda u fazi prenosa podataka sa geometrijskog modela na model izrade prilike za grešku treba svesti na minimum. Veliki broj standarda protokola i zapisa za međusobnu softversku razmenu podataka danas samo potvrđuje kolika se pažnja poklanja ovoj oblasti. S druge strane, krajnji korisnik je uvek u prilici da traži bolja i povoljnija rešenja, sa što manje prilika za grešku, za prenos podataka u konkretnom slučaju. Time svi ulazni zahtevi projektanta bivaju ispunjeni čime proizvod dobija željenu geometriju i kvalitet. To je samo preduslov za njegovu dalju nadogradnju i implementaciju u složene tehničke sisteme da bi nakon toga prešao u narednu fazu svog životnog veka, odnosno eksploataciju i ispunjavanje zahteva krajnjeg korisnika.Availability and accessibility of proper and correct information is a precondition nowadays for launching a successful product to the world market. Every piece of information will help in creating a new and improved product at any segment of its life cycle. If it is a computer aided manufacturing then in the phase of data transfer from the geometrical model to the production model, errors should be minimized. A large number of standards protocols and scripts for the software data exchange confirm how important this area is. On the other hand, the end user is always able to look for better and more favorable solutions, with the least possibility for errors in our case, in data transfer. Thus all the input requirements of the designer are met, giving the product the desired geometry and quality. That is only a precondition for its further development and implementation in the complex technical systems, so that it would pass into the next phase of its life cycle, which is its actual service and fulfillment of end users’ requirements

    Rapid prototyping of art sculptural shapes according to the sample

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    The aim of this paper is to spread the use of Rapid Prototyping technology (RP)-Additive Manufacturing (AM), into design, restauration and making Art sculptural shapes according to the sample. Rapid prototyping is being used since its origin in designers' fields for a product design, and here it is presented in art design according to the sample, and it has been proved that it is a crucial tool in any design process. In this paper presents a procedure for the rapid prototyping of two models of monuments, the preparation of the model in the STL format and the making of scaled real models of the monuments

    Rapid prototyping of art sculptural shapes according to the sample

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    The aim of this paper is to spread the use of Rapid Prototyping technology (RP)-Additive Manufacturing (AM), into design, restauration and making Art sculptural shapes according to the sample. Rapid prototyping is being used since its origin in designers' fields for a product design, and here it is presented in art design according to the sample, and it has been proved that it is a crucial tool in any design process. In this paper presents a procedure for the rapid prototyping of two models of monuments, the preparation of the model in the STL format and the making of scaled real models of the monuments

    Off-line programming and simulation for 2-axis wire EDM

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    U radu je predstavljena metodologija za uspostavljanje off-line sistema za programiranje sa verifikacijom putanje alata i simulacijom koja uključuje vizuelizaciju procesa obrade, orijentaciju pribora i pomeranja mašine. Ova metodologija je opisana pomoću IDEF0 dijagrama i razrađena pomoću PTC Creo CAD/CAM sistema. U radu je prikazan modelirani detaljni virtuelni prototip mašine Evis, sa definisanim svim kinematičkim vezama između pokretnih delova, kako bi bilo moguće uključiti virtuelni model mašine u simulaciju. Off-line programiranje omogućava višestruku verifikaciju programa, posle koje se program može odmah izvršavati na mašini. Off-line programiranje je verifikovano na realnom primeru verifikacijom i izvršenjem programa za njegovu obradu.This paper presents a methodology for establishing off-line programming system with toolpath verification and simulation including visualization of the machining process, fixture orientation and machine movements. This methodology is described using IDEF0 diagrams and is elaborated by using PTC Creo CAD/CAM system. This paper describes modeled detailed virtual prototype of WEDM machine Ewis, with all kinematic relationships between moving components being defined, with the aim to include virtual machine model in machine simulation. Off-line programming allows immediate execution on the machine of multiple verification programs after verification. Therefore, the off-line programming is verified using the real example and its program verification and execution

    A new CNC programming method using STEP-NC protocol

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    Novi metod programiranja numerički upravljanih mašina alatki, koji se javlja kao alternativa G kôdu (po standardu ISO6983), je protokol AP238, ili STEP-NC, po standardu ISO10303. U radu je dato poređenje klasičnog (G kôd) i novog načina programiranja (STEP-NC), struktura opreme potrebne za novi metod programiranja, struktura programa i aktuelni scenariji za primenu protokola STEP-NC. Verifikacija navedenih scenarija realizovana je kroz tri primera.A new programming method of CNC Machine tools, which is developing as an alternative to G code, is AP238 protocol or STEP-NC, according to ISO 10303 standard. In this paper, a comparation between classical (G code) and new way of programming (STEP-NC ) is given. A structure of equipment needed for new programming method, program structure and current scenario for implementation of STEP-NC are shown. Verification of the above scenarios using the STEP-NC, is realized through three examples

    Off-line programming and simulation for 2-axis wire EDM

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    U radu je predstavljena metodologija za uspostavljanje off-line sistema za programiranje sa verifikacijom putanje alata i simulacijom koja uključuje vizuelizaciju procesa obrade, orijentaciju pribora i pomeranja mašine. Ova metodologija je opisana pomoću IDEF0 dijagrama i razrađena pomoću PTC Creo CAD/CAM sistema. U radu je prikazan modelirani detaljni virtuelni prototip mašine Evis, sa definisanim svim kinematičkim vezama između pokretnih delova, kako bi bilo moguće uključiti virtuelni model mašine u simulaciju. Off-line programiranje omogućava višestruku verifikaciju programa, posle koje se program može odmah izvršavati na mašini. Off-line programiranje je verifikovano na realnom primeru verifikacijom i izvršenjem programa za njegovu obradu.This paper presents a methodology for establishing off-line programming system with toolpath verification and simulation including visualization of the machining process, fixture orientation and machine movements. This methodology is described using IDEF0 diagrams and is elaborated by using PTC Creo CAD/CAM system. This paper describes modeled detailed virtual prototype of WEDM machine Ewis, with all kinematic relationships between moving components being defined, with the aim to include virtual machine model in machine simulation. Off-line programming allows immediate execution on the machine of multiple verification programs after verification. Therefore, the off-line programming is verified using the real example and its program verification and execution

    Foodways architecture: storing, processing and dining structures at the Late Neolithic Vinča culture site at Stubline

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    The paper presents an analysis of storing, processing and dining structures from the Vinča culture site at Stubline. Numerous clay structures found in houses were associated with everyday activities related to food. We argue that these structures were not only important in subsistence strategies, but were also profound symbolic agents involved in complex symbolic practices related to the conceptualisation of social spaces in Vinča culture houses.V članku predstavljamo analize struktur, povezanih s shranjevanjem, pripravo in uživanjem hrane v kulturi Vinča na najdišču Stubline. V hišah so bile najdene strukture, ki jih lahko povežemo s hrano in vsakodnevnimi aktivnostmi. Trdimo, da so strukture enako pomembne v subsistenčnih strategijah in kompleksnem simbolnem delovanju pri oblikovanju socialnega prostora v hišah kulture Vinča

    Configuring of functional simulators for three-axes parallel kinematics machine tools

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    U radu su predstavljeni simulatori troosnih mašina sa paralelnom kinematikom. Tokom njihovog konfigurisnja korišćeno je CAD okruženje za potrebe dobijanja digitalnog virtuelnog modela sa kojim je vršena provera ideja i verifikacija usvojenih konačnih rešenja. Postavljena je osnova za konfigurisanje i izradu funkcionalnih simulatora mašina sa paralelnom kinematikom, koji se postavljaju kao tehnološki modul na bazne mašine sa serijskim ortogonalnim osama. Na taj način uz mala ulaganja se dobija edukacioni i istraživački sistem sa mogućnošću simulacije rada prave mašine sa paralelnom kinematikom.This paper presents simulators for three-axes parallel kinematics machine tools. During configuring of these machines for obtaining of virtual model for verification of ideas and adopted final designs, CAD environment was used. The basis for configuring and manufacturing of final functional simulators for parallel kinematics machines is posed. These simulators are installed as technical modules on basic serial machine tools with orthogonal axes. In this way with small investments educational and research system, which can be used for simulation of real parallel kinematics machine operation, is obtained.Editor: Dr Milosav Đurđević, docen

    The Contribution to Computation of Supporting Structure Dynamics of Parallel Machine Tool

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    У оквиру рада се разматра динамичко понашање паралелне машине алатке, и то механизма и носеће структуре. Током рада је развијен читав систем модела раванских и просторних, који се користе у прорачуну, у различитим програмским окружењима за прорачун применом метода коначних елемената (МЕКЕLBА III, АLGOR и Pro/Мehanica).The dynamics behavior of parallel Machine Tool is considered in this paper, both mechanism and supporting structure. In the paper, the whole system of models planar and space is developed, used in the computation, in different program environments for computation by the use of finite element method (MEKELBA III, ALGOR and Pro/MECHANICA)